Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to Establish a Successful Domain Reselling Business

Domain reselling is being advertised as a very profitable online money making venture. The profit generating potentials of domain reselling are however dependent on making the right choices.

The most important decision that you will have to make is regarding the parent provider whom you will use as the established registrar for your business.

When looking to establish yourself as a domain reseller you should look to work with ICANN accredited registrars. This is one of the most fundamental aspects that can contribute to the success of your reseller business.

Accredited registrars have the capability to provide you the lowest prices for their services. Along with this you will also benefit with professional and advanced support services.

Some of the registrars also offer white label and private-label support services. This means that to your customers it will appear as though you are operating as the sole parent provider which will make them trust you more.

You will be able to find many ICANN accredited registrars on the internet. Most of them are willing to establish partnerships with resellers as it helps them to broaden their business horizons. You wouldn't want to risk your reseller business by choosing a parent provider which is not ICANN accredited.

The biggest benefit however comes in the fact that you will be able to reap maximum advantages by making minimal investment. This is because ICANN accredited registrars offer you the best pricing which allows you to maximize your profit margin.

You can make a comparison of the various accredited registrars in order to find the best pricing so that you can compete with the established veterans in your industry.

Having the best parent provider and offering high end web hosting services is not enough to ensure your success as a domain reseller. Rather you need to keep an eye out for the promotions that are run by the registrar.

The more your business is promoted the higher the discounts you will be able to avail from your registrar. Furthermore you will be able to satisfy your customers by offering them decent packages which will help to further your online business.

When it comes to operating a reseller business the objective of promotion is twofold. On the one hand you want to get a bigger slice of the market by attracting new potential customers and on the other hand you want to retain the customers that have already opted for your services.

In order to do so however you will need to broaden your business horizons. You should not only look to offer attractive packages to new clients but you should also offer comprehensive advantages for your customers who are in need of renewing their domain name and hosting services.

This will help you to retain your clientele. Another key service that can help you to attract new customers is to offer domain transfer services as a domain reseller.

Take advantage of wholesale rates for domain registration being offered to individuals looking to set up domain reselling businesses through Discount Domains is the leading provider of domain names, web hosting and web design services.

Domain reselling is being advertised as a very profitable online money making venture. The profit generating potentials of domain reselling are however dependent on making the right choices[...]

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to Select the Best Domain Name

You're planning on starting a new business - or a new venture. Now it's time to think of a domain name. You're going to need an online presence, so you'll need to have a place to send interested prospects who may turn in to buying customers or clients.

Purchasing a domain name is the easy part. Finding the right domain name for you - that's a little bit more challenging. Why would buying a domain name be challenging? One reason is that a lot of the best, keyword rich domain names have already been purchased. It's not as easy nowadays to land the domain name of your dream - especially the ones that are just one or two keywords. More and more people are opting for longer domain names.

What are some things to keep in mind when purchasing a domain name for your business?

1. Pick a memorable name. Don't be cute - no one cares for cute - but be memorable. Pick a distinctive name that doesn't sound like everyone else in your niche. Be creative, but don't go overboard.

2. Select the .com for a business. If you want, buy other extensions for the main domain name, but you definitely want the .com version for your business.

3. Use normal spellings for words. Using "z" for "s" is just not a good idea. No one will know what to type in unless they actually see your domain name printed. More than likely, you'll be speaking over the phone, in front of an audience, or on TV or radio when you mention your domain name. That is not the time to take up valuable time by spelling it out for people.

4. Don't use numerals in your domain name for the exact reasons I stated above.

5. Keep it short. Domains names that are sentence length are just not attractive and are difficult for anyone to remember

6. Avoid using hyphens. You just don't have time to spell out your domain name every time you utter it.

Author : Tara Kachaturoff
Tara Kachaturoff works with entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses faster, easier and with less effort by implementing strategies and systems to increase performance and bottom line results. Sign up to receive Easy Online Marketing Tips at If you want to achieve better results, try a better method. Learn more about how you can use online marketing strategies to increase your visibility and credibility online.
Source : EzineArticles.Com
You're planning on starting a new business - or a new venture. Now it's time to think of a domain name. You're going to need an online presence, so you'll need to have a place to send interested prospects who may turn in to buying customers or clients[...]

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gadgets News and Reviews Blog

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya selesai juga bikin blog baru, kali ini ngambil niche Gadgets News and Reviews. Untuk domainnya menggunakan subdomain dari domain iBloggered.Com. Lumayan untuk menghemat budget, soalnya butuh banyak dana untuk masalah konten. Kontent blog Gadgets News and Reviews ini rencananya mau saya outsource-kan ke jasa penulis content. Sedangkan saya sendiri, jadinya bisa lebih fokus ke hal yang lain, misalnya link building.

Well, mudah-mudahan blog Gadgets News and Reviews ini bisa cepat-cepat keindex..
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya selesai juga bikin blog baru, kali ini ngambil niche Gadgets News and Reviews. Untuk domainnya menggunakan subdomain dari domain iBloggered.Com[...]

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Untuk Seseorang Disana

Lirik Lagu Manusia 1/2 Dewa - Iwan Fals

Wahai presiden kami yang baru
Kamu harus dengar suara ini
Suara yang keluar dari dalam goa
Goa yang penuh lumut kebosanan

Walau hidup adalah permainan
Walau hidup adalah hiburan
Tetapi kami tak mau dipermainkan
Dan kami juga bukan hiburan

Turunkan harga secepatnya
Berikan kami pekerjaan
Pasti kuangkat engkau
Menjadi manusia setengah dewa

Masalah moral masalah akhlak
Biar kami cari sendiri
Urus saja moralmu urus saja akhlakmu
Peraturan yang sehat yang kami mau

Tegakkan hukum setegak tegaknya
Adil dan tegas tak pandang bulu
Pasti kuangkat engkau
Menjadi manusia setengah dewa

Masalah moral masalah akhlak
Biar kami cari sendiri
Urus saja moralmu urus saja akhlakmu
Peraturan yang sehat yang kami mau

Turunkan harga secepatnya
Berikan kami pekerjaan
Tegakkan hukum setegak tegaknya
Adil dan tegas tak pandang bulu
Pasti kuangkat engkau
Menjadi manusia setengah dewa

Wahai presiden kami yang baru
Kamu harus dengar suara ini
Manusia 1/2 Dewa by Iwan Fals


Monday, October 19, 2009

Securing Your Home Network

You have probably read about how people are able to gain access to an individual's computer and essentially steal all their personal data. There are many ways that this can be done without the owner even knowing that someone is trawling around within their computer right under their nose. There a few simple steps that you can do to safeguard your personal information from internet predators.

Your home network is your first step to securing your personal data from the outside. You should have a secure perimeter network that stops any potential intruders from accessing your data. It is by far better to stop intruders at the perimeter rather than at your computer. Make sure that you have a hardware firewall enabled at the point where your home equipment connects to your internet connection. Hardware firewalls are more difficult to hack and do a good job of keeping unwanted eyes from seeing your personal computer.

A hardware firewall for homes normally comes in the form of a router. Some people have a modem connected to their internet connection but these do not come with a hardware firewall and are not secure. Make sure that you are using a router with a hardware firewall between your computer and the internet connection. If you are not sure which one has been supplied by your service provider, have a look at the original documentation or phone your service provider and ask them.

Most routers provided by internet service providers are wireless. This means that if you have a laptop, you can connect to the internet using a wireless network card from your laptop to the router, and finally out onto the internet. Even if you don't have a laptop and use a desktop computer, the router from your service provider will still have the wireless functionality enabled. This wireless connection broadcasts a name called an SSID. This can be picked up by any wireless device normally within a 50m radius of your home. You need to make sure that the wireless broadcast is switched off if you do not use it. If you have a laptop and use it to connect to the internet wirelessly, make sure that it uses an encryption key to secure all communications. The older type of encryption is WEP and is now less secure; you should be using WPA which is more secure. Read the documentation that came with the router on how to configure encryption on your router.

Author : Mike JJ Johnson
Mike Johnson has worked within the It industry for over 15 years. You can also view his latest website over at Double Curtain Rods and Wood Curtain Rods.
Source : EzineArticles.Com
You have probably read about how people are able to gain access to an individual's computer and essentially steal all their personal data. There are many ways that this can be done without the owner even knowing that someone is trawling around within their computer right under their nose. There a few simple steps that you can do to safeguard your personal information from internet predators[...]


Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Trick to Make Your PC Super Quick

Slow systems are one of the biggest problems for computer users all across the World. This is a big issue which can prevent you from watching movies, playing games and even doing your work. However, it's actually one of the easiest problems to fix, if you know this simple trick.

The problem with most slow computers is actually very simple. It all boils down to a part of your system called the "registry", which is a big database that stores settings and options for your PC. It's basically like a big "memory bank", where Windows can store everything from your user names & passwords to your latest emails; and remember it even when your PC is turned off and on again. The registry is extremely important, and is constantly being used by Windows. However, its also one of the biggest problems that cause your computer to run slow.

Unfortunately, the registry has a major downfall. It's been known as the "Achilles Heel of Windows" for years, after its introduction in Windows '98.... because it's being used far too much than it should. Because it contains so much important information, Windows is constantly opening and editing 100's of registry files each time you use your PC. This is okay, but this number of files makes Windows confused, leading it to save many of them in the wrong way. This makes the files corrupt, forcing Windows to take longer to read them, slowing your system down.

Think of these corrupt files as having been put into a blender and had their contents mixed around, like a book with its pages in the wrong order. This means that when your computer next wants to open these files, it has to take longer to process them... because they are so difficult for it to read. This slows your PC down drastically, and the worst part is that because the registry cannot be fixed by Windows, it's constantly getting more and more corrupt files inside. Eventually, most computers end up running at a snail's pace, because they have 1,000's of corrupt registry files.

Luckily, there is a trick to stop this problem and speed up your computer instantly. You just need to be able to use a piece of software called a "registry cleaner". Registry cleaners are tools which scan through the entire registry and fix any of the problematic files that are in there. To use them to speed up your PC, you just need to download a good cleaner, open it up and then let it scan your system.

Slow systems are one of the biggest problems for computer users all across the World. This is a big issue which can prevent you from watching movies, playing games and even doing your work. However, it's actually one of the easiest problems to fix, if you know this simple trick[...]

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fenomena Terorisme dan Miyabi

Download Video Gambar Porno Miyabi?Dalam waktu yang hampir bersamaan kedua peristiwa ini menghiasi pemberitaan media di negeri kita. Adakah persamaan diantara keduanya ? Yang jelas, fenomena terorisme menulis banyaknya korban jiwa yang tidak bisa diselamatkan. Sedangkan fenomena Miyabi mencatat kerusakan moral bangsa, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung.

Teroris yang tercatat sebagai seorang muslim, tidak membawa suara hati muslim secara keseluruhan. Kegiatan mereka membingungkan terutama bagi muslim di Indonesia yang masih kerepotan memikirkan isi perut. Pesan yang mereka maksudkan entah pada siapa, sampai ke muslim Indonesia adalah kesulitan hidup yang semakin menghimpit. Adakah muslim di Indonesia sempit hati dan kurang wawasan sehingga tidak mengerti pesan mereka ? ataukah para teroris inilah yang tidak bisa mengerti kesulitan saudaranya sendiri ?

Gadis cantik ini lahir dari keluarga berada, sehingga menggugurkan semua kemungkinan bahwa profesi yang dia lakukan saat ini dengan alasan ekonomi. Cantik, masih muda dan punya masa depan yang panjang. Tapi kenapa memilih menjadi sarana pengumbar nafsu? Kita tidak tahu. Tapi yang jelas wajah polosnya adalah symbol dari sebuah dunia kelam yang banyak merugikan moral, terutama bagi kaum muda. Walaupun tidak ada bom yang meledak ketika dia datang ke negeri ini, tapi ada bahaya lain yang lebih besar lagi yang sedang mengancam generasi muda kita. Bagaimana kalau mereka tiba-tiba menjadi fansnya Miyabi ?

Terorisme dan Miyabi
Seorang teroris tidak akan mau disamakan dengan sosok Miyabi, karena merasa bahwa tujuan mereka suci. Miyabi pun tidak akan mau disejajarkan dengan teroris yang sering membunuh orang yang tidak bersalah. Jadi dimana letak persamaannya ? Minimal persamaannya adalah keduanya meresahkan masyarakat. Keduanya berusaha menghancurkan sendi-sendi peradaban bangsa, yang satu secara fisik, yang satunya lagi secara moral. Jadi, lebih baik kita tidak berfikir untuk mengikuti jejak keduanya, bukan ?
Dalam waktu yang hampir bersamaan kedua peristiwa ini menghiasi pemberitaan media di negeri kita. Adakah persamaan diantara keduanya ? Yang jelas, fenomena terorisme menulis banyaknya korban jiwa yang tidak bisa diselamatkan. Sedangkan fenomena Miyabi mencatat kerusakan moral bangsa, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung[...]


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Natural Diuretics Food for Safer Diuretics

Natural Diuretics Food for Safer DiureticsAre you thinking about diuretics? Well, as a matter of fact, there are many diuretics pills which can be taken under or without prescription. This makes you easier finding such pills. However, since natural diuretics are considered safer, more people now use these diuretics as alternative to those drugs base diuretics. Natural diuretics are basically differentiated into two, herbal and food.

There are some foods which contain natural diuretics such as cranberries including cranberries juice, watermelon, melon, artichoke, and many more. These natural diuretics food helps your kidney to release more water from your body. Natural diuretics food is better for those who need only minimal fluid reduction and do not
have any health problems. Instead of containing natural diuretics, some foods also contain important minerals such as apple cider vinegar which contains potassium. There are also some beverages such as tea and coffee and other beverages containing caffeine; these beverages can increase the urination. When people need to have their urination increased, they can simply consume or add natural diuretics food to their diet.

Natural diuretics food is certainly safer than the drug base diuretics when they are taken moderately. People must not take them more than the dosage otherwise they will experience deficiency. So, it is always better to consult your doctors or physician before you take such food.
Are you thinking about diuretics? Well, as a matter of fact, there are many diuretics pills which can be taken under or without prescription. This makes you easier finding such pills. However, since natural diuretics are considered safer, more people now use these diuretics as alternative to those drugs base diuretics[...]

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Forum Bisnis Online dan Politikana.Com

Akhir-akhir ini saya selain nongkrong di forum-forum bisnis online yaitu Jisportal dan Adsense-Id, saya sering juga mampir ke Politikana.Com, walaupun secara materi diantaranya tidak banyak mempunyai kesamaan tapi lumayan memberikan pencerahan kepada saya di bidang selain bisnis online yaitu tentang politik dan tetek bengeknya :D

Dan artikel berikut ini adalah satu artikel yang memberikan pencerahan kepada saya (walaupun tidak kental nuansa politiknya..hihihi). Langsung saya copas aja ya...

Lawan Gizi Buruk dengan Kelinci

Masalah gizi buruk terus menjadi masalah gawat di negeri ini. Hampir setiap bulan selalu saja ada media mengangkat ke permukaan. Menurut data badan PBB untuk urusan pangan atau United Nation World FoodProgramme (WFP) gizi buruk dan kelaparan masih menghantui sedikitnya 13 juta anak Indonesia. (Republika Newsroom 06/02/09). Dari sisi kajian dasar tentang gizi, kebutuhan minimum manusia akan protein hewani adalah: 8;1 Kg daging untuk setiap orang dalam satu tahun. Atau pada setiap bulan per orang membutuhkan 675 gram. Bisa dikonkretkan lagi, setiap minggu orang butuh rata-rata 169 gram gizi dari daging.

Persoalan gizi sebenarnya bukan urusan yang rumit. Masyarakat bawah pun sadar makanan bergizi sebagai kebutuhan. Dengan gizi yang baik kecerdasan dan kesehatan serta ketahanan tubuh akan mendorong prestasi pendidikan dan pekerjaan.

Gizi kelinci
Buruknya gizi rakyat, selain disebabkan oleh kebodohan pemerintah dalam mengelola sumber daya alam juga karena ketidakmampuan pemerintah dalam memaksimalkan sejumlah potensi sumberdaya manusia. Seandainya pemerintah selalu mengeluhkan dana sampai-sampai banyak organisasi sosial yang mengambil alih tanggungjawab pemerintah untuk urusan ini, sebenarnya dengan modal cukup murah perbaikan gizi itu bisa dilakukan, terutama untuk mayoritas rakyat (petani) desa. Di era 1980an, pernah ada satu program pemasok gizi untuk rakyat miskin, terutama di pedesaan. Program itu dicetuskan oleh satu kelompok ternak kelinci di Bandung. Sejumlah peternak yang bernaung di bawah bendera “Romayo” di kawasan Setiabudhi Bandung itu memiliki gagasan “Pabrik Daging Mini di Pekarangan.” Dengan cukup memelihara 2-4 ekor kelinci, kaum tani miskin pun bisa mendapatkan kecukupan gizi cukup dalam setahun, bahkan mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan berupa uang dari hasil penjualan.

Menurut Ensminger (1990), daging kelinci memiliki kandungan proteinnya tinggi (25 %), rendah lemak (4%), dan kadar kolesterol daging juga rendah yaitu 1,39 g/kg (Rao et al. dalam Sartika , 1995). Sementara menurut sumber Tabloid Agrina (08/12/2006) menuliskan, kandungan lemak kelinci hanya 8%, sedangkan daging ayam, sapi, domba, dan babi masing-masing 12%, 24%, 14%, dan 21%. Kadar kolesterolnya sekitar 164 mg/100 gram daging, sedangkan ayam, sapi, domba, dan babi berkisar 220—250 mg/100 gram daging. Kandungan proteinnya mencapai 21%, sementara ternak lain hanya 17—20%.

Kalau urusannya pasokan gizi, bukankah ternak daging hewan apapun bisa dimanfaatkan? Kenapa kelinci? Makmur Suriaatmadja, aktivis pendorong “Romayo”, mantan Ketua Koperasi Institut Teknologi Bandung dan Mantan Ketua Yayasan Perbaikan Gizi (YAPIKA) kala itu sangat berperan dalam mendorong para petani menjawab pertanyaan penulis; “tak mungkin petani menyembelih domba, kambing atau sapinya hanya untuk pemasok gizi. Sedangkan itik atau ayam lebih praktis menjadi tabungan. Manakala butuh uang mendadak bisa menjual lebih praktis ke pasar. “

Konsep ternak kelinci skala kecil yang diusung Romayo secara singkat bisa diketahui sebagai berikut:

Populasi kelinci dalam setiap dua bulan sekali kelahiran mampu menghasilkan 4-8 ekor. Kelinci umur tiga bulan menghasilkan satu kg daging murni. Untuk memenuhi persyaratan gizi perlu dipotong lebih dari satu ekor perminggu atau lebih dari empat ekor per bulan.

Makanan yang diperlukan sekitar 1 ½ -2 bakul perhari untuk tiga ekor bibit dengan (3 X 6=18 ekor) anak-anaknya. Merawatnya tidak sulit tapi perlu rajin dan teliti. Kandang setiap hari harus bersih dan diperhatikan kesehatannya. Biaya yang diperlukan rendah. Kandang yang diperlukan untuk tiga bibit kelinci adalah tiga buah.

Disamping itu tiga buah lagi untuk menyimpan anak kelinci dari A, B dan C bila sudah waktunya disapih (setelah 50 hari) sampai siap untuk dipotong. Kandangnya dibuat beberapa minggu sebelum saat diperlukan menurut kebutuhan. Dapat dibuat sendiri dari bahan setempat atau barang-barang sisa.

Ukuran kandang untuk masing-masing bibit kelinci cukup 70 X 100 cm. Untuk tiap kelompok anak kelinci dari induk cukup 70 X 70 cm. Pekarangan yang diperlukan bagi “Pabrik Daging Mini” tidaklah besar, hanya butuh sekitar 3 kali luas kandang yang diperlukan tersebut.

Di Era 1980an beberapa desa di kawasan Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur yang menerapkan ini terbukti efektif. Hasil pergulatan Mamur Suriaatmadja bersama teman-temannya di Romayo dalam memberdayakan gizi mendapat perhatian dari Gubernur Solichin GP dan Presiden Soeharto. Bahkan beberapa tahun kemudian konsep “Pabrik Daging Mini di Pekarangan” itu diterapkan di berbagai negara seperti Amerika Serikat, Belanda, Cina dan lain sebagainya. Organisasi Pangan Dunia, FAO sendiri banyak berhutang budi kepada rumusan Mamur Suriaatmadja dan kawan-kawan dalam hal pemberdayaan gizi keluarga di kalangan penduduk miskin pedesaan. Dengan kata lain, kelinci memang efektif dalam melawan gizi buruk di kalangan rakyat miskin, juga bisa menjadi solusi kelompok masyarakat elit yang gemar daging tapi takut resiko obesitas.

Bibit unggul dan pemberdayaan
Kalau bibit daging maupun bibit ternak besar (sapi, kambing dan domba) selama ini terus diimpor, kenapa bibit kelinci tidak? Indonesia hanya pernah mengimpor satu kali di masa orde baru, itupun setelah didorong oleh aktivis Romayo dan sebagian dibantu oleh kedutaan besar Belanda. Setelah itu bibit kelinci unggul semakin pudar dan susut. Peremajaan tidak pernah dilakukan. Bandingkan dengan Cina yang mengimpor bibit unggul kelinci setiap satu tahun sekali misalnya. Atau dengan negara-negara lain seperti Tailand, Vietnam. Pemerintah Indonesia kalah jauh dalam hal ini. Akibat tidak adanya bibit unggul baru serta tidak maksimalnya pemberdayaan, ternak kelinci di Indonesia terbengkelai, bahkan kemudian malah beralih menjadi kelinci hias yang hanya mengasilkan kesenangan kaum borjuasi semata. Potensi ilmu pengetahuan “pabrik daging di pekarangan” yang handal seperti itu justru banyak dimanfaatkan negara lain, sementara para pejabat di Indonesia hanya dibuat melongo manakala melihat kenyataan buruknya gizi rakyat. Lupa, tak tahu, atau memang tidak mau tahu? Saya tak tahu.

Penulis: Faiz Manshur
Source: Lawan Gizi Buruk dengan Kelinci

Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat...
Akhir-akhir ini saya selain nongkrong di forum-forum bisnis online yaitu Jisportal dan Adsense-Id, saya sering juga mampir ke Politikana.Com[...]


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Yoga for Hyperthyroidism

Latest news for fans of yoga. In addition to calming the mind, eliminate stress and increase concentration of yoga now also be used as a treatment for hyperthyroid disease (the production of excessive thyroid hormone).

Actually, yoga can be used to stimulate the thyroid gland, pineal, pituitary and adrenal glands. The benefit is by doing yoga can help loosen and stretch the muscles in the neck and strengthens the nervous system.

Thyroid gland itself is responsible for weight and youthful appearance of a person. Yoga is done for patients with hyperthyroidism useful in stimulating the thyroid gland to function efficiently as possible. One of the movements in yoga can help people with hyperthyroidism is' Ustrasana "or collectively, the camel position, as quoted from Howtogetridofstuff, Saturday (10/10/2009).

This movement is kneeling at a distance knees shoulder width is set. Place your palms on your lower back. Palm of the hand and then pushed back to the front. Chest facing up and the neck stretched backward. Hold for 5 seconds. Exhale, and do this movement as much as 2 sets.

In addition to these yoga movements, hyperthyroid patients can do exercises like sit on your heels and put her hands behind her held. Take a deep breath in and then released while the head is moved to the rear.

At the same time lift the arm back and breathe normally. Lower the hand slowly and exhale while returning to sit up straight. Repeat this 3 to 4 times a day.

In addition to these movements, should also avoid things that can trigger increased thyroid hormones such as not smoking and consuming alcohol, avoid caffeine, avoid foods made by using various processes such as pasta or white bread and cut the fatty foods.

Hyperthyroidism is a disease that is not fun. But by taking simple steps, you can effectively cure the thyroid gland is too active.

Source : DetikHealth.Com
Latest news for fans of yoga. In addition to calming the mind, eliminate stress and increase concentration of yoga now also be used as a treatment for hyperthyroid disease (the production of excessive thyroid hormone[...]

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Samsung S5230 : The Amazing Phone

Ever wanted a mobile phone that has gorgeous looks and latest technology features? Then Samsung S5230 is the handset that won't ever let you down. It is an excellent phone with high quality aspects.

Some of the wonderful features of this phone are:

The owner can view the touch screen in the horizontal as well as the vertical mode. The screen has high resolution screen having resolution of two hundred and forty pixels by four hundred pixels that gives a beautiful and a clear view experience. The touch screen also supports gesture that controls the screen lock feature that allows the owner to lock the handset so as to avoid functions being activated while the mobile phone is being carried.

The Samsung S5230 supports Bluetooth that has A2DP technology that allows the owner a connection to various other compatible Bluetooth devices. So the user is able to enjoy a connection which is wireless during the transfer of files and data. The user is also able to connect the cell phone to other devices by the use of a cabled USB connection between two devices.The magnificent mobile phone has a three megapixel in-built camera. The high clarity camera has a flash feature that adds light to the darker surroundings if the user is capturing images at night or in some darker environments. The camera has a camera lens that is found at the back of handset and the big touch screen also works as viewfinder.

There is present an in-built music player that supports MWA, MP3 playback and AAC music formats. The user is also able to transfer the music files by the use of the available connectivity options that include wireless Bluetooth connectivity as well as USB connectivity. The owner can enjoy an easy to use storage of music and music services which turns the mobile phone into a compact and portable music player.The handset supports speaker phone function which allows user to chat with their contacts on the phones system of speaker that leaves the owner hands free while on a call. The user is also able to access the phone book present in the main menu. The handset also supports a call log that allows the owner an access to any call made, missed calls as well as calls received.

Sonim XP3, C510 Black, W595 Blue are the popular Mobile Phones and these phone contracts are available on Online Mobile Phone Shop UK.

Author : Eti Sharma
Article Source: eArticlesOnline.Com
Ever wanted a mobile phone that has gorgeous looks and latest technology features? Then Samsung S5230 is the handset that won't ever let you down. It is an excellent phone with high quality aspects[...]