Saturday, June 27, 2009

Weight Loss Strategies

No matter who you are, losing weight is a challenge because you are aiming to change some basic habits about how much you eat, what you eat and how much you exercise. Yet it's actually easy to lose weight. All you have to do is eat good food as part of a healthy lifestyle. So what about all the fad diets? The one-size fits all approach is always going to cause problems. In this case, the diets never look back to see why you put on weight. They usually focus on eliminating specific foods (even some healthy foods), working on the basis that you do not need to count calories or learn anything about the food you eat. All you have to do is follow the book's rules and, like magic, you will lose weight. The author will promise your weight loss will be fast and easy - particularly if you buy the supplements carrying labels like "fat busters". Because it's all so easy, there's no need to exercise. The result is almost inevitable. After a short burst of enthusiasm, you grow bored with the limited range of food and go back to your old eating habits. The little weight you lost comes back, starting a yo-yo cycle of weight loss and gain that's bad for your health.

Start off by working out your BMI. Below 25 is in the healthy range. That's your target. To get there, you must eat less. Additional weight comes when you eat more calories than you need. When you reduce your food intake, your body burns stored fat to keep you going. Except, when you start eating less, you feel hungry and this is demotivating. The answer is eating more fibre which keeps you feeling fuller for longer. It's also good for keeping your digestive system healthy. That means eating more whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables everyday. Alongside this, cut out all the sodas and sweetened drinks. Drinking water is good for you. If you miss the tastes, drink the zero-calorie versions of your favorite sodas. No more snacking. All those snacks are full of calories. Aim to eat at regular times every day, training your body to expect less food.

Finally, it's a good idea to stop eating in fast-food outlets. Burgers and deep-fried food is full of calories. If you find this a sacrifice too far, have half your meal packed and take it home. Learn about food and start counting calories. Should you find your motivation slipping, there are some appetite suppressants on the market to keep the hunger pangs at bay until you are more used to eating less. The drug with the best record for safety and effectiveness is phentermine. This has been on the market since the 1950s and is the trusted short-term way to keep hunger under control. Ask your doctor about it or buy phentermine online. Used alongside a healthy diet and a good exercise regime, you will soon find your weight dropping. More importantly, eating fewer calories as part of your lifestyle will prevent the weight returning. Choose the healthy option and make a commitment to weight loss today.
No matter who you are, losing weight is a challenge because you are aiming to change some basic habits about how much you eat, what you eat and how much you exercise[...]

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