Wednesday, April 22, 2009

10 Larangan saat Foreplay | Pelajaran Sex

Sudah lama ngga main ke Forum, khususnya yang berbau esek-esek, hihihi, dapet tips baru nih, silahkan disimak :D
Perhatikan baik-baik, apakah Anda pernah memperlakukan si dia seperti ini saat bercinta.
1. Alpa ciuman
Anda langsung tancap saja ke daerah erotis yang Anda tuju tanpa mencumbu bibirnya terlebih dahulu. Tindakan Anda itu membuat si dia merasa Anda membayar perjam, dan tidak mau rugi kehilangan uang Anda dengan mengesampingkan hal-hal yang “tidak penting” ( menurut Anda). Ciuman yang hangat dan menggairahkan merupakan wujud foreplay yang utama.

2. Meniup telinga si dia terlalu keras
Pasti Anda pernah diberi tahu wanita suka sekali bila telinganya ditiup. Tapi bedanya besar sekali antara meniup kuping si dia secara erotis dan menggairahkan dengan meniup telinganya seakan Anda meniup kue ulang tahun ke-50.

3. Tidak cukur
Anda kadang lupa mencukur berewok di dagu Anda dan sering Anda gosok berulangkali ke paha dan wajah pasangan Anda. Jika si dia memalingkan wajahnya ke samping, itu bukan berarti si dia sedang bergairah melainkan ingin jauh-jauh dari cambang Anda yang lupa Anda cukur itu!

4. Meremas-remas payudaranya kelewat keras
Kebanyakan pria berlagak seperti ibu rumah tangga memilih melon yang matang, diremas-remas sambil ditekan-tekan keras. Lembut sedikitlah.

5. Menggigit puting
Mengapa pria senang sekali mempermainkan puting seperti menghisap dan mengemut keras-keras seakan-akan mereka ingin menghempiskan badan partnernya. Puting tuh sensitif sekali dan bukan untuk dikunyah. Anda bisa menjilat dan menghisapnya tapi secara lembut.

6. Memutar-mutar puting
Hentikan kebiasaan memutar-mutar puting partner Anda memakai jari telunjuk dan ibu jari seakan-akan Anda sedang mencari gelombang radio. Pusatkan perhatian pada payudara seutuhnya, jangan hanya titik puncaknya saja.

7. Mengacuhkan anggota tubuh lainnya
Wanita tuh bukan jalan tol yang punya tiga belokan: Villa Payudara Timur dan Barat serta terowongan menuju pusat kota. Masih banyak sekali bagian dari tubuh wanita yang sering Anda acuhkan karena Anda kerap tancap langsung ke vagina. Jadi mulai dari sekarang lebih perhatikan bagian tubuh si dia, jangan yang itu-itu saja.

8. Memberikan dia “hadiah”
Membuang kondom adalah tanggung jawab pria. Anda yang memakai, Anda juga yang harus menyingkirkannya.

9. Menanggalkan celana Anda terlebih dahulu
Tidak ada yang kelihatan konyol dari pada seorang lelaki dengan celana dalam dan kaos kaki saja. Copot dulu kaos kaki Anda baru yang lainnya.

10. Gerak cepat
Ketika Anda dan si dia dalam situasi “Mr.Big vs vagina”, jangan langsung main tancap seperti mesin sehingga membuat pasangan Anda merasa seperti barang pabrik. Mulailah dengan dorongan yang lembut dan penuh perhitungan.


Do You Know?

Male Menopause: How Treatments Work

Menopause is what women experience when they reach a certain age where their bodies stop producing hormones. It is a point where women will no longer be able to reproduce and it is also a point where their lives will change.

However, it is also a fact that males also experience this kind of condition. It has been found that men will also experience the so-called male menopause when they reach a certain age. But unlike women where they stop producing hormones instantly, men experience a decline in production of hormones.

Sometimes, male menopause is also called the mid-life crisis where male hormone levels drop that often results to depression, anxiety, and decline of interest in sex. As a male, you have to prepare to face this condition because when you reach a
certain age (usually at late 50's to early 60's), you will also experience this condition.

First of all, you need to be able to identify the signs and symptoms of male menopause. Usually, the symptoms are very much like what a female experiences when they go through menopause. It will include depression, irritability, sadness, low
interest in sex, anxiety, hot flashes, sweating, erectile dysfunction, concentration problems, and memory problems.

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by other conditions, such as a disease. However, the low testosterone level can also contribute to this condition.

If you suspect that you are going through male menopause, it is recommended that you should consult your doctor about it first before jumping into a conclusion and getting treated for it. The doctor will conduct a series of tests to confirm that

you are really going through male menopause. To do this, the doctor will test your testosterone level and also your symptoms.

If it is indeed male menopause, the doctor can recommend treatments to ease the symptoms.

Today, there are already treatments for male menopause where it can make it easier for you to cope up with the condition. It will not necessarily mean that it can treat the condition, but you have to consider that the treatment's aim for male menopause, like female menopause, is to lessen the symptoms. There is hormone replacement therapy for men who have low testosterone level. This treatment can help you lessen the symptoms associated with male menopause. This treatment is called testosterone replacement therapy. With this treatment, you can lessen the effects of male menopause and can definitely help you go through it.

In fact, this therapy has been found effective. It gradually increased the muscle mass, the mental functioning, bone density and it also enabled men to get interested in sex again.

However, testosterone replacement therapy should only be done with close supervision of a professional. Too much of testosterone injected in your body can produce unwanted side effects. The professional will be able to adjust the doses in accordance with the effects you experience during your first testosterone replacement therapy.

In time and also after a few sessions, the professional will be able to know the correct dosage for you.

If you cannot tolerate the injections, there are also oral capsules that you can take for this therapy. There are also testosterone patches where it can provide a steady release of testosterone.

If you don’t want this therapy through injection, through oral capsules, or through patches, you can consider getting implants. The testosterone implants are inserted in the lower abdomen or hip under anesthetic. This can provide treatment that can last up to 6 months.

These are the treatments that you can consider when you are going through male menopause. So, if you are at that certain age where sex doesn't interest you anymore, and where you are more motherly, you can consider getting a testosterone replacement therapy. Always remember that this therapy should only be done with close supervision of a professional to avoid unwanted side effects.

Sudah lama ngga main ke Forum, khususnya yang berbau esek-esek[...]

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