Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Aturan Keaktifan Member di ClixMx

Ada aturan baru di ClixMX, yaitu tentang keaktifan member ClixMX, kalau ANDA tidak aktif selang waktu tertentu maka Account ANDA di ClixMX akan di delete. Dan aturan baru ini menyebabkan hilangnya 6 referral saya. Agak kaget juga awalnya, karena saya jarang masuk ke Forumnya ClixMX, tapi setelah melihat pengumumannya saya jadi lega juga. Hehehe. Kok lega? Ya lagian banyak referral kalau pada ngga aktif click ya percuma juga. So, buat ANDA yang punya Account di ClixMX dan kurang aktif[...]Ada aturan baru di ClixMX, yaitu tentang keaktifan member ClixMX, kalau ANDA tidak aktif selang waktu tertentu maka Account ANDA di ClixMX akan di delete. Dan aturan baru ini menyebabkan hilangnya 5 referral saya. Agak kaget juga awalnya, karena saya jarang masuk ke Forumnya ClixMX, tapi setelah melihat pengumumannya saya jadi lega juga. Hehehe. Kok lega? Ya lagian banyak referral kalau pada ngga aktif click ya percuma juga. So, buat ANDA yang punya Account di ClixMX dan kurang aktif, berhati-hati aja.

Untuk aturan member yang akan di delete sebagian bisa di baca dibawah...
As I expected there have been many questions about the replacement of inactive referrals. So I will try to answer some of them here:

1. Members that had not clicked for 14 consecutive days have been deleted. There are some exceptions:

* Premium members will not be deleted (nor replaced) until their premium membership expires. If you purchased insurance for these members, you should not worry. If they are still inactive when their membership expires, they will be deleted and replace. Insurance has no expiration date.
* Standard members on vacations are not deleted after 14 days; instead they will be deleted after 42 days. If they are still inactive after 42 days, they will be deleted and replaced (if necessary). Insurance has no expiration date.
* I have given some extra days to a group of members that have not logged in after July 16th and have balance over $50.00. I have sent "last warning" emails to these people in case they were not aware of the new rule. They will be deleted within the next week if they don't click again.

2. Referrals are only replaced if you purchased insurance. If you bought referrals before July 16th or without insurance, the will not be replaced. Only 500 packs had insurance before that date.

3. The column "Purchase Id" shows information only for referrals bought after July 16th. Before this date the script did not keep a record on referrals purchases, so we don't have that information.

So, keep clicking ya!!!!



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