Monday, February 2, 2009

Learn to Solve Our Problems

How much percentage in a class of 30 students would be of agreement on you that mathematics is a great subject? You could answer that approximately 10 to 35% and they is all. Truths, the majority of the children today are not captivated to solve mathematical equations step because they do not know the implied processes, but because of the lack of interest in him.

In a similar way, our daily activities do not mean the joy 100% and the problems of 0%. Sometimes, we have more problems than the joy. Fortunately, a certain individual are skilful well by dealing with problems. Please know their secrecies?

Well, the people insousiantes, as some could call them, have a joint thing: optimism. These kinds of people do not mean that they never before did not have problems. Try to remember a colleague, a relative, a friend, or somebody of your community which has the most luminous smile at the beginning until the end of the day. How much time did you see that wrinkling of the eyebrows of anybody? The people insousiantes are recreation with being with because their attitude is contagious. Did you try them to ask how they carry their problems slightly? Are their secrecies below:

1. Learn how to order your feelings while separating from the negative feelings from the positive thoughts. It is the first stage by solving problems. Only after you got clear your spirit with useless thoughts can begin you to solve your problems consequently.

2. Deal with each problem as a challenge and opportunity for the coil-improvement.

3. Release this attitude of scapegoat. Do you direct your finger or blame others of misfortunes? Take the responsabilities for your errors. Nobody is perfect, so much never put the blame on others.

4. Employ a pen and a paper, and evaluate the depth of the problem and the possible answers to your problem. The principle of law of probability will enable you to evaluate with which distance you thought of solving your problems.

5. Keep a newspaper and treat it as a secret friend who is always been willing to listen to your complaints. Write your feelings freely.

6. Develop a remarkable pastime, because this will help you to decrease or reduce at least the effort in your life.

7. Take leave of work and create the variations of your daily program. Slacken and check best films downtown. Travel and meet the new marvellous people. You will find these activities valid with long.

The ends above will help you to optimize these positive feelings with you. Said that you are already consumed by some problems. Here the 1-2-3 stages by making your resolution of the problems:

1. Determine the main cause of the problem. If you think that it is difficult, request of the hundreds of why and what is and you will discover soon the cause.

2. Think, strategize, and act for the resolution.

3. Develop a strong desire to solve the problem.

4. Review the situation so that you avoid repeating the same errors made in advance.

Consider that everyone tests the lowliness much once, but the problems are problems. They are not there to annoy you; but of the problems are created when you cannot accept your limitations. Once you accept your limitations, the resolution of the problems is right a stage 1-2-3, hassle-free, and an experiment of life-setting indeed. Consequently, never or you with key in your room close consume when the problem strikes. Think that the problems are states of your being limited to something which you have need as of the majority. But if you cannot have this important thing, accept it. Left go and you will release yourselves with concern. You recall, less concern mean less problems. If you think that you want really a certain hour outside because of the problems, consider that there is another room available for called you the "improvement"
How much percentage in a class of 30 students would be of agreement on you that mathematics is a great subject? You could answer that approximately 10 to 35% and they is all. Truths, the majority of the children today are not captivated to solve mathematical equations step because they do not know the implied processes, but because of the lack of interest in him

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March 18, 2020 at 2:28 PM  

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